Opening special: 10% off all packages

Colon Hydrotherapy

Reduce inflammation and increase energy

It is important not to neglect your gut health, as this may lead to excess toxic waste that is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream, increasing the risk of diseases.

  • Consultation + First Time Treatment

    1 hour 30 minute session $120

    I recommend having your first 3 colonics as close together as possible for best results.

    1 Hour Treatments

  • 1 Treatment $120

  • 3 Pack $330

  • 6 Pack $600

  • 12 Pack $1140

All prices subject to GST.

Life happens, we get it! If you need to cancel your appointment please do so before 24 hours, to avoid a Cancellation Fee.


All disease begins in the gut.


Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy

Conditions that prevent Colon Hydrotherapy
  • Recent surgery
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Intestinal perforation
  • Cancer of the colon or GI tract
  • Acute Crohn’s disease
  • Abdominal hernia
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Pregnancy
  • Recent colon or rectal surgery
  • History of Seizures
  • Rectal or abdominal tumors
  • Recent heart attack
  • Epilepsy or Psychoses
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Anal Fissures or Fistula
  • Abdominal surgery
  • Uncontrolled hypertension
  • Severe hemorrhoids
If you aren't sure if Colon Hydrotherapy is for you or you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Questions? Let's chat

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Colonics painful?

No – The insert of the speculum will be a mild short discomfort that only goes in about two inches; just enough for your body to accept it and for no waste leakage to get out. While you are releasing, your body is detoxifying. You may feel slight cramping and uncomfortable at times throughout your session, but it is not painful. Once your treatment is finished the result is definitely worth it! Everyone’s experience will differ, depending how toxic your colon is.

Will one colonic be enough to benefit me as a new client?

No – For best results you would need 3-5 colonics as close together as possible to really clean out your colon of waste and toxins. Your colon is about 6.5 feet long which can hold anywhere from 11 to 18 pounds of waste. To remove all of that in one session is unrealistic especially if you are someone who has been suffering with constipation for a long period of time.

How many times a week or month should I have a colonic?

Everybody’s body is different. Depending on how toxic/constipated you are, it will determine how many times you should come in for a colonic.Maintenance appointments will vary from person to person.  Once you experience a colonic your body will be able to determine when you feel you need to come back for more.  Between the both of us, we will create a proper schedule that suits you best to maintain your gut health. I recommend first time clients having three colonics in a row as close together as possible for best results to get the bowel rehydrated, moving, and release as much waste and toxins as possible.

If you aren't sure if Colon Hydrotherapy is for you, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Questions? Let's chat